On the 20th of June Artur Rozenfeld’s lecture has taken place in the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. He is a possessor of the Nobel Prize in the field of power engineering – international award “Global Energy”.
Arthur Rozenfeld is considered to be a founder of modern power savings according to his deserts. In 1954 he protected the thesis for a doctor's degree on the physics at the Chicago University under the direction of Nobel Prize laureate Enriko Fermi. In 1994-1999 Dr. Rozenfeld was the main adviser of the deputy minister of the Department of Energy of the USA for the power savings and use of renewed energy sources. In 2000 he was appointed the head of the power commission of state California by the governor of this State – G. Davis. He was reappointed to the same post by the governor of the State – A. Schwarzenegger. In April, 2011 he was awarded to the International award «Global Energy», founded by Russian and international companies including – Gazprom, RAO"UES of Russia" and others.
The lecture has been devoted to two sections: power savings in the USA on an example of California and Arthur Rozenfeld's new idea which he has been advancing for the last years – the power savings based on the form and color of roofs of buildings. According to his opinion, roofs should be flat and white color. In California such roofs have been applied since 2005. Arthur Rozenfeld has answered some question, including - whether current consumption in California is normalized.
In California there are 16 climatic zones and in each of them there are their own regulatory acts, which are regulating power consumption in dollars per year.

In spite of the recognized Dr. Rozenfeld’s authority the technologies, described by him, have caused rough discussions among the Russian experts in the field of power effective materials. In particular, an alternative sight on a problem of power savings and necessary measures on decrease in consumption of natural resources the professor Vladimir Gennadevich Gagarin, the laboratory chief of building thermo physics of NIICF of Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAACS) and Alexander Vladimirovich Spiridonov, the laboratory chief «Power saving up technologies in building» scientific research institute of building physics РААСS, the laureate of the Prize of the Government of Russian Federation, and the president of Association "APROK" have expressed in presentation «Power saving up glass transparent designs for power effectiveness».